So Many Secrets, Breakdown Book 2 by Vicki Hinze

So Many Secrets - Vicki Hinze

I received this advance copy from Goddess Fish Promotions and Pink House Press for a honest review! 


AND the story to continues for the saga of Shutter Lake in the Breakdown Series.

I’m hooked and intrigued as this book flows from the previous author which goes so smoothly I almost forgot they were all different authors! That is some amazing work and I am quite impressed in these ladies for that.. Plus I am bamboozled, I don’t know who the killer is which just has me absorbing everything into this book and the desire to know the secrets which Dana has been hiding from EVERYONE. Such a great series, very cool how each author focuses on one chapter. Strong, bright women! Love it especially seeing this book from Dana's point of view.


There are still LOTS of questions and new leads with more answers left without a answer. The ending crept up on me and was not as shocking as the first book but was wonderful. I love the first 2 books so far and looking forward to reading the 3rd! The characters are so complex and the level of depth into the overall stories are wonderful.


Again this book flowed from the last like slicing into butter. It was so good! I really im impressed at how well these authors write together and appeal to readers for each author along with mystery/suspense/thriller readers!