The Dead Girl, Breakdown Book 1 by Debra Webb

The Dead Girl - Debra Webb

I received this advance copy from Goddess Fish Promotions and Pink House Press for a honest review! 


It's a small Magical world Ms. Webb as we live in the same city! Did you vote for the Trash Pandas? I did but now I feel bad about it... 


Anyway! Onto my review of The Dead Girl of Shutter Lake. What a town to live in when it is described like a paradise or that perfect town you dream about until something horrible happens. A murder in the little town of Shutter lake. What a way to start a book Ms. Webb! Within moments I was sucked and almost was late from my lunch during the fiscal new year. 


We are introduced to the cast where we focuse on Deputy Chief of Police Laney Holt, and the chief of police, Griff McCabe. They struggle to solve the first heinous crime to be committed in their peaceful town like any good series goes such as one I was watching last year on Netflix! A haunting past for both Laney and Griff is there to possibly make it hard to solve the crime..... Or does it not get in the way?

As they continue to get further in the investigation we a glimpse into the life of the victim. She the surface seems to be a kind, generous benefactor to those closest to her yet why was she killed? This made me feel like I was watching an hour long Investigation Discovery segment which I could sink my teeth into! I began to wonder who the victim really was and if she really is who everyone thought she was. Perhaps a mistake for the criminal who murdered her yet signs are pointing in all directions. If they’re not careful all their secrets may come boiling up before this story is done as we experience life through Laney Holt's eyes in Shutter Lake.

Grabbing you head on and having you on the edge of your seat about to fall off as page by page more comes out yet not enough to solve it.. You start to go one way then BANG! You were guessing wrong. Even until the end I was guessing left and right while trying to see if I just read a foreshadow or something to put me off the murderers tracks.  your attention and have you balanced on the edge of your seat. I am anxious to see what secrets will begin to be revealed as we follow the tale of the murder of Sylvia Cole.