Margaritas, Mayhem & Murder by Mary Cunningham

I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Overall I felt the romance was forced then rushed through which seemed out of place with the story. I think with the length of the book there was not enough time to develop that romance into it with everything else was going on and honestly could of just left it as a spark then on a following book bring in more romance and we get to see the romance blossom over time. That would be so epic! The writing style was superb and a couple times I was going back pages to make sure I didn't miss something. Just like how I would want a mystery to be! Like wait.. Did this just happen?? HOLD up didn't it foreshadow someone else?? WOAAAAAH.
Andi Jones mystery is a lovely series and I would happily pick up the next one. Great job Mary and I give your book MARGARITAS, MAYHEM, AND MURDER 3.5 out of 5 stars! (will be putting 4 stars cause I feel closer to 4 but not exactly)